Ruggero Schleicher-Tappeser, May 2022,
Technologies, capital, and policy tools are there for us all to live better. We only need a systemic approach and co-operate to use them.
(mehr …)Ruggero Schleicher-Tappeser, May 2022,
Technologies, capital, and policy tools are there for us all to live better. We only need a systemic approach and co-operate to use them.
(mehr …)Report
Ruggero Schleicher-Tappeser and Gerd Leipold (2018): Shaping the impacts of new technologies: A CALL FOR NEW EUROPEAN MOBILITY POLICIES. Project commissioned by Rebecca Harms MEP.
Summary presentation Berlin, March 19, 2018. Summary Presentation (PDF).
Final Report, June 25, 2018. Final Report (PDF), Summary Text FR (PDF)
Banister, David/ Stead, Dominic/ Steen, Peter/ Akerman, Jonas/ Dreborg, Karl/ Nijkamp, Peter/ Schleicher-Tappeser, Ruggero, (2000): European Transport Policy and Sustainable Mobility. (= Transport, Development and Sustainability, 1). London: Spon Press.
Banister, D., & et al. (1998). Policy Scenarios for Sustainable Mobility: The POSSUM Project. Final Report. London.
Final Report (PDF)
Hey, Christian/ Hickmann, Gerd/ Geisendorf, Sylvie/ Schleicher-Tappeser, Ruggero, (1992): Dead End Road. Klimaschutz im europäischen Güterverkehr. Freiburg/Zürich: EURES / Greenpeace International.