Magazine Article
Schleicher-Tappeser, Ruggero (2007): The Alpine space as sustainable business location. In “Structural Change in Europe 5: Cities and Regions Facing up to Change”. Bollschweil: Hagbarth Publications. / PDF
Magazine Article
Schleicher-Tappeser, Ruggero (2007): The Alpine space as sustainable business location. In “Structural Change in Europe 5: Cities and Regions Facing up to Change”. Bollschweil: Hagbarth Publications. / PDF
Journal Article
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Banister, David/ Stead, Dominic/ Steen, Peter/ Akerman, Jonas/ Dreborg, Karl/ Nijkamp, Peter/ Schleicher-Tappeser, Ruggero, (2000): European Transport Policy and Sustainable Mobility. (= Transport, Development and Sustainability, 1). London: Spon Press.
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